Saturday, May 7, 2016

English list of free buses in Taipei

遭疑降票價救民調 柯文哲:是救公共運輸 | 要聞 | 聯合新聞網 : "台北市長柯文哲昨天拋出捷運票價應調降,外界質疑是為救民調。他今天表示,「降價是為了救公共運輸,和那個沒關係」,台北捷運公司正在草擬計畫,將朝搭越多折扣越多來走。"

Taipei Mayor falls into trap advocating lower rail fares instead of bus fares. He is trying to do the right thing, but the profiteers of oil, autos, and sprawl will try to manipulate and defame him.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Huge carbon-capture and storage project in Taiwan

Extensive wetlands along Tamsui River in Taiwan capture carbon and store as rotted vegetation. This wetlands also preserves biodiversity, purifies water, prevents floods, provides exercise, provides recreation. This is a pedestrian/bike path along the wetlands.