Thursday, March 17, 2016

Taipei to triple biking network, people switching from motor vehicles to bicycles

The Guardian: "Taipei has announced plans to more than triple the length of its network of segregated city centre bike lanes to 120 miles by 2019. In addition, there are 240 miles of shared use pavements, and 70 miles of riverside cycleways outside the city’s flood defence levees, which are hugely popular with leisure cyclists at weekends.

Combined with the implementation of on-street parking fees for cars and scooters, the approach seems to be working – a survey showed an estimated 31.2% of people riding YouBikes had switched from motorbikes and 4.4% from private cars."

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


ETtoday 鍾文榮:


Do we really want this? 我們真的要這樣生活?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Government moves to bolster long-term care system : "On February 22nd a proposal to fund Taiwan's long-term care system partially through annual contributions directly from taxes and the regular annual government budget, with NT$30bn (US$940.1m) and NT$3bn respectively, was announced by the president-elect, Tsai Ing-wen."