Monday, December 28, 2015

How much does your city subsidize automobiles? 很多錢給花在疏導交通。

Millions spent to regulate parking and traffic. Count this as subsidy to those who profit from autos and sprawl.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Former BOJ employee: Forget cars. Public transport key to reviving rural communities

Asahi : "Government spending should focus on maintaining railway and other public transportation systems, not roads, to revive local economies and help Japan’s rapidly graying population, says Kiyohito Utsunomiya, professor of economics at Kansai University.

“We should put an end to the fruitless debate that centers merely on short-term profits,” the 54-year-old says."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

高鐵新3站今營運 接駁車就位

中時電子報: "台灣高鐵新增苗栗、彰化、雲林三站,今天起正式投入營運,根據高鐵班表,彰化站在上午6時44分將有首班車抵達,苗栗和雲林則分別在6時50分和6時55分迎接列車進站,包括總統馬英九、行政院長毛治國以及交通部長陳建宇,也將分別主持三站的通車典禮。
...高鐵苗栗站指出,新闢快捷公車從竹南科學園區經高鐵站到雪霸國家公園管理處,沿途設有25站,將是接駁旅客的主力,憑票根免費搭乘。 彰化站表示,高鐵快捷公車已經就定位,凡持有高鐵票根的乘客都能免費搭乘,一般旅客在年底前搭乘,也享半價優惠,每天有62個班次。"

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Taiwan's Current Serious Air Pollution Has Nothing To Do With China

The News Lens 關鍵評論網: "環保署監資處長蔡鴻德說,台灣地區上午空品髒的主因是受汽機車排氣、火力發電廠、鋼鐵廠、大型工廠排放空汙有關,雖然西部吹北風及西北風,但風力微弱,空氣擴散條件不佳,致使空汙無法散去,由於大陸沿海目前下大雨,此波空品不佳,未受大陸影響。

臉書社團《PM2.5 自救會:資訊應公開,拒絕髒空氣》用數據證明:「別再說空汙是中國飄過來的,用嘴巴把責任往外推很容易,也別再怪罪農民燒稻草等這些微不足道的來源。請各縣市環保單位捲起袖子好好查緝,尤其國內大型的汙染源各式工廠。」 "

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Taiwan pollution from its own cars and industry, not China

TThe News Lens 關鍵評論網: "Director of EPA’s monitoring department Tsai Hung-de says that the main reason of low air qualities in the morning is emission from vehicles, thermal power generators, steel plants, and large-scale factories. Despite the west and northwestern winds covering western Taiwan, their weak forces don’t help much in air diffusion, so air pollutants aren’t dispersed. Moreover, the coastal areas of China have recently gone through massive downpour, indicating the country has nothing to do with the current poor air quality in Taiwan."

Saturday, September 19, 2015




Monday, September 7, 2015


Saturday, September 5, 2015

The state of the Greenland ice sheet in 2015

carbonbrief: "So at the end of another year, 2014-15 doesn't look like it will buck the downward trend we've seen for Greenland ice. And as global temperatures continue to rise, the chances of a recovery look increasingly unlikely."

Taiwan pushing porn because capitalism panicked by falling birth rate

Capitalism is a cancer. It must grow or die. It is eating up the biosphere with automobiles and sprawl. It cannot tolerate the falling birth rates in developed countries and is turning to desperate measures.

The Washington Post: "In Taiwan, many have called it “lewd.”

This is how a spokeswoman for the EasyCard Corp., which is 40 percent-owned by the Taipei government, described her last week as she defended the company’s decision to put Hatano's images on the cards.

The photos, Lin Hsiao-chi said, conveyed a “fresh, healthy and beautiful” image, according to Taiwan’s Central News Agency."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Kids more important than cars at this housing development

Cars are kept underground keeping streets car-free and safe. This is what residential neighborhoods could be like everywhere with free public transport and no cars allowed in the city.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Capitalism threatened by #degrowth, willing to destroy Taiwan culture for more babies.

DW.COM: "If we want to change the fertility we probably should encourage people to have children outside of marriage and give them a free choice. In European countries like France there is a very high proportion – 55 percent – of births out of wedlock. In Taiwan it’s only 4 percent."

Friday, April 17, 2015

Taipei mayor aims for 80% #publictransit usage

Ko outlines city plans for ‘smart, green’ development - Taipei Times: "In a speech at the Green Together City-to-City Sustainability Dialogues also attended by Taichung Mayor Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) and Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦), Ko outlined his vision for a “green city” characterized by zero growth in electricity consumption and usage of public transportation by 80 percent of city residents."

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Is anyone asking what is the cost of not having rail service?

Public transport is always having a "funding crisis." That is because costs and benefits are manipulated. We should consider all the costs. What is the cost of thousands of additional cars on the highways, streets, and parking lots?

Stakes raised for possible government takeover of Taiwan High Speed Rail - The China Post: "THSRC could face bankruptcy in March or April because it doesn't have the cash needed to meet potential preferred share redemption obligations."

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Money spent to move cars faster is a bad policy

Here is an example of money wasted supporting the car culture. Pedestrian overpasses are expensive and rarely used. Their purpose is not to protect pedestrians, but to allow traffic to move faster. Faster traffic actually puts pedestrians at more risk. Instead we should invest the money in free buses and gradually get rid of private autos. Private autos take up too much room, are inefficient in moving people and are dangerous.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Taiwan public transportation budget raised to new high

WantChinaTimes: "The ministry anticipates that it will not be easy to achieve a government goal of a 30% public transportation market share by 2025, Lin said.

The ministry hopes that local governments, particularly those of the six special municipalities–Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung–can do more to encourage people to use public transport, he said.

The 2015 budget will be spent on the subsidization of public bus operations in remote areas and measures to replace old buses and taxis with new ones and promote a multipurpose ticket card system for public bus and railway services, according to the ministry."

Monday, January 26, 2015

Hong Kong cars take up too much space, move too few people

South China Morning Post: "The increasing use of private cars inevitably uses up limited road resources. According to the traffic congestion report, private cars account for 40 to 70 per cent of the total traffic on most of the main roads, but carry only 16 per cent of the total daily number of road-based travellers, or "passenger boardings".

Minibuses and buses, by contrast, carry 71 per cent of total daily road-based passenger boardings, but account for only 5 to 25 per cent of total traffic on major roads."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

In Taiwan, cars are still winning the war for government subsidy

Taipei Times: "The Ministry of Transportation and Communications yesterday said that local governments should make public transport development the top priority in their transportation policies, adding that it could ask local governments to refund subsidies granted to them if a transport facility is underused or demolished because of inadequate evaluation in its planning."